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An Ultimate Buyer’s Guide To Buy Best Triathlon Shorts in 2020
When participating in a triathlon race, then careful selection of sportswear is essential. To put your entire focus and energy into the competition, you need to wear the best and comfortable outfit that can improve your ability and do not create any hindrance in your ability to compete. It is not a deep subject that you need to spend a lot of time. When it comes to triathlon gear, many…
5 Best Triathlon Transition Bags of 2020 – Tried & Tested
Triathlon being a multisport competition, each sport requires their own specialist gear. Plus a Triathlete is required to carry other essential items like energy gels, admin stuff like race licence…
Best Triathlon Watch (2020) Buyer’s Guide
Triathlon watch is THE essential item on any Triathlete’s buying list. Looking at the variety of watches available in the market, it is bound to create confusion. We try to…
Cycling Cleats and Pedal Guide: SPD vs. look vs. Speedplay vs. SPD-SL
Cycling Cleats & Pedal Guide All cycling lovers have one habit in common which is they have a tendency to make things quite overcomplicated for themselves. The most common example…